About us

At Yola Housing, we have been providing supported accommodation to vulnerable adults with low level mental health illnesses; alcohol & substance misuse issues; and the homeless & refugees for over 10 years. Our primary aim is to meet the immediate housing related support needs of vulnerable and homeless adults in Birmingham and surrounding areas.

Our support services are flexible, sensitive, and responsive with the aim of maximising our service users’ dignity and independence as well as their choice and control over their own lives. We are committed to the equality of opportunity and have a belief in the fundamental principle that every person has a right to good quality housing and the necessary support to become independent in life. In our daily operations, we are always working hard to achieve this ideal

We work in partnership with the local government and other support agencies while meeting the local and national strategies for supporting vulnerable people and contributing to a more socially cohesive community.

As a diverse company located within a diverse community, we understand just how difficult it can be to integrate into a new culture, society or area. For this reason, we work hard to ensure our service users’ transition to their new home and area is as smooth as possible by working closely with local community groups so they can experience a homely feeling and a sense of belonging from the start.

Our Values

At Yola Housing, our values represent the direction we are always taking as an organisation and it’s what comes first for us.

We see ourselves as part of a movement for change, empowering people towards a future that is secure and independent. And we aim to continue inspiring many towards a better future.

We believe that by supporting people with their right to a safe place to call a home, all of us can act to make the world a better place.

What We Believe

We believes in helping community and a vision of helpful to the world, where everyone are valued equally live without fear of homelessness. We believes in life of dignity and Respect for everyone,


Empowerment is a multi-dimensional concept that can be applied in various contexts, including personal development, organizational dynamics, community building, and societal transformation. It recognizes the inherent potential within individuals and seeks to create conditions that allow that potential to flourish.

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